Supporting Your Healing Potential

Functional Medicine Practitioner in Northwest Arkansas

Who We Are at the Natural Healing Center

Dr. Rodney Russell
Dr. Rodney Russell
Dr. Rodney Russell – Founder of the Natural Healing Center

Dr. Russell believes our bodies, as created by God, can heal themselves when things are balanced and in harmony. Our mission is to bring complete wholeness and everlasting change on a heart-level to those that we touch by aligning and balancing the body, soul and spirit.

At the Natural Healing Center, where our focus is whole body functional healing, we offer a natural mind-body approach to sustainable health addressing mind, body, soul and spirit. The goal, to find the “whys” behind your health challenges and bring your whole body back into balance. When the body is balanced, symptoms fall away.

A healthy body DEPENDS on a properly functioning nervous system, metabolic health, optimal nutrients, a healthy spine, regular exercise and a positive thought life. We seek the root cause of ill health/pain using an integrative approach that employs a variety of techniques.

1 Thessalonians 5:23

“And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

What to Expect

Dr. Russell specializes in reversing and/or preventing chronic conditions by treating the root cause using a functional approach that addresses each person as a whole biochemically, structurally, emotionally, energetically and spiritually. Instead of looking at and treating health problems as isolated diseases, his patient-centric, science-based, natural healing approach treats individuals who may have bodily symptoms, imbalances and dysfunctions. Identifying and naming diseases are just the tip of the iceberg. According to the Functional Medicine model, the patient’s real health problems are below the surface.

What we do is help remove the cause of the imbalance and then provide what creates balance. This is a partnership, however.  While he will help his patient identify the cause of the imbalance, and ways they are willing to work to create balance, the patient must do the work.  This work includes digging deep, identifying hurts or emotional wounds and changing unhealthy habits. It won’t work if the patient isn’t willing to do the work. Patients symptoms don’t show up overnight, they take years to develop.   So a quick fix cannot be expected.   This isn’t about suppressing the symptoms with a pill, a cream or a potion; this is true healing at the root.

As an example, consider a patient suffering the symptoms of hopelessness, sadness, fatigue, no sex drive, poor memory and no motivation.  Society has named this “depression.” But depression is not the cause of these symptoms, it is the name of these symptoms.  Medicine has confused this. If the disease name is “x”, the treatment is “y” and everybody gets put on the same medication. Did you know over 30 things (including medication itself) can cause these symptoms?  The cause for each person can be very, very different and that is what we work to uncover.

Science-based diagnostics include a variety of blood (thyroid, immune, metabolic, infection, hormone, etc.), genetic, food allergy, heavy metal, and neurotransmitter tests, as well as at home oxidative, nitric oxide, pH, sulfur testing and more. Treatment involves a variety of noninvasive modalities such as bio-energetics, neuro-emotional updating, applied kinesiology, chiropractic, body integration technique and more, as well as nutritional supplementation and coaching on lifestyle changes through diet, nutrition, exercise and stress management.

Dr. Russell considers the uniqueness of each patient and how both internal and external factors impact functioning.  Again, we encourage our patients to become pro-active in their own health and partner with them as they journey towards true health and optimal wellness

The Ideal Patient

  • Those who have a desire to optimize their health through lifestyle, self reflection, nutrition, and supplements.

  • Those who feel uncomfortable in their skin, bloated, especially after eating, have digestive distress, pain, reflux, constipation and/or diarrhea and want to improve their digestive and immune systems.

  • Those who feel stressed, fatigued, depressed or overweight and want to feel alive again and full of vitality.

  • Those frustrated with mainstream medicine and are not finding answers to their chronic health problems.

  • Athletes seeking an ideal training program based upon present nutritional and hormonal status.

  • Individuals who are tired of popping pills to suppress symptoms and are willing to work to find natural solutions to their body’s rhythm and metabolism.

“I’ve visited many doctors who are void of compassion, empathy, and even basic listening skills. Most doctors are symptom-treaters, trying to slap a Band-Aid on a much deeper issue. Dr. Russell is completely in pursuit of those deeper issues at a spiritual, emotional, nervous, muscular, and skeletal level.  I am blown away by the full scope of intentional healing I receive.”

Brad N., Argyle, TX.

Brad N.

Why Holistic Functional Care

  • Our society is experiencing a sharp increase in the number of people who suffer from complex, chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, hormone imbalance, mental illness, and autoimmune disorders, among other things.

  • The system of medicine practiced by most physicians is oriented toward acute care, the diagnosis and treatment of trauma or illness that is of short duration and in need of urgent care, such as appendicitis or a broken leg. Physicians apply specific, prescribed treatment such as drugs or surgery that aim to treat the immediate problem or symptom.

  • Unfortunately, the acute-care approach to medicine lacks the proper methodology and tools for preventing and treating complex, chronic disease. In most cases it does not take into account the unique genetic makeup of each individual or factors such as environmental exposures to toxins, trauma and the aspects of today’s lifestyle that have a direct influence on the rise in chronic disease in modern Western society.

  • There’s a huge gap between research and the way doctors practice. The gap between emerging research in basic sciences and integration into medical practice is enormous — as long as 50 years — particularly in the area of complex, chronic illness.

  • Most physicians are not adequately trained to assess the underlying causes of complex, chronic disease and to apply strategies such as nutrition, diet, emotional/mental therapies and exercise to both treat and prevent these illnesses in their patients.

The Natural Healing Center - Northwest Arkansas

How We’re Different

We are guided by seven core principles:

  1. Science-based medicine that connects the emerging research base to clinical practice.
  2. Biochemical individuality based on genetic and environmental uniqueness.
  3. Patient-centered care rather than disease-focused treatment.
  4. Dynamic balance of internal and external factors that affect total functioning.
  5. Web-like interconnections among the body’s physiological processes also affect every aspect of functionality.
  6. Health as a positive vitality, not merely the absence of disease.
  7. Promotion of organ reserve.

“Dr. Rodney is an incredible healer with a knowledge base beyond the scope of any one practice. He’s opened my eyes to a whole new world in the health and holistic arena! I definitely recommend him to all my friends and family.”

Kierstyn Sherman, Southlake, TX.

Kierstyn Sherman, Southlake, TX


  • Allergies
  • Autism
  • Autoimmune Diseases
  • Cancer
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Chronic Pain
  • Depression
  • Detoxification
  • Diabetes
  • Emotional Release
  • Food Sensitivities, Allergies, and Intolerances
  • Functional Blood Analysis
  • Gastrointestinal Dysfunction
  • Genetics
  • Gut Health
  • High Cholesterol
  • Histamine Intolerance/Histadilia
  • Hormonal Imbalance Including Adrenal, Thyroid and Sex Hormones
  • Inflammation and Immune Dysregulation
  • Insulin Resistance
  • Lyme Disease
  • Menopause
  • Miscarriage, Infertility
  • Neurodegenerative Diseases
  • Oxidative Stress and Mitochondrial Dysfunction
  • Pyroluria
  • Thyroid
  • TMJ
  • Toxins & Toxicity

…and more

Diagnostic Testing

✓ Comprehensive Blood Chemistry

✓ Hormone Analysis

✓ Adrenal Stress Panels

✓ Gluten Sensitivity Testing

✓ Food Sensitivity Panels

✓ Autoimmune Panels

✓ Genetic Testing (MTHFR & beyond)

✓ Histamine

✓ Neurotransmitters


✓ Hair Analysis

✓ Leaky Gut

✓ Pyroluria

✓ Heavy Metals

✓ Stool Analysis

 …and more

We utilize cutting-edge technology to assist patients in achieving their maximum health potential. If your condition warrants additional diagnostics such as stool analysis, urinalysis, salivary and blood tests, then they will be recommended.