Holistic Services at the Natural Healing Center


Live Blood Cell Analysis

Live Blood Cell Analysis We are excited to introduce Dark Field Microscope Testing for Live Blood Cell Analysis, something in which Dr. Russell is highly trained, certified and very experienced having performed thousands of these microscopy’s. This advanced technology allows him to examine blood samples, from a simple [...]


Virtual Care

Remote Functional Medicine Consults Uncover and Treat the Root Cause of Sickness & Disease…via our Secure Video Platform (or Phone) Don’t let location limit you. You can work with Dr. Rodney Russell or Dr. Julia Augustyniak successfully in getting to the underlying cause to help heal sickness [...]



MTHFR, Methylation, Chronic Disease & Beyond If the mention of chronic fatigue, Lyme, bipolar struggles, rapid mood swings, depression, anxiety, heart disease, strokes, migraines, macular degeneration, auto-immune disease, chronic infections, fibromyalgia, miscarriages, neurological or behavior symptoms, or developmental delays hit home for you, then keep reading because you [...]


Genetic Testing

Genetic Testing Tired of running in circles with your healthcare professionals without getting better? Fed up with trying things that don’t work? The answer could be in your genes. Recent advances in understanding human genetics have triggered a revolution in discovery-based research to help gain a better understanding [...]



Specialties for Natural Healing At the Natural Healing Center, Dr. Russell treats a wide range of conditions by helping to restore balance in the body, whereby allowing healing to take place as God intended. Genetics Auto-Immune Fibromyalgia Emotional Release Inflammatory Balances Allergies Mitochondrial Dysfunction Infertility [...]


Patient Coaching

Healthy Living through Everyday Routines Functional Medicine protocols frequently require lifestyle/habit change, in addition to a schedule of supplement therapy, which can be challenging and feel overwhelming for some. Patient advocate coaching, included with your new patient visit with Dr. Rodney Russell, provides additional support to help patients [...]


Infertility & Miscarriage

Overcoming Infertility & Miscarriage Obstacles If you’ve struggled with fertility or endured the heartbreak of a miscarriage–and roughly 18 percent of pregnancies do end in miscarriage– know that there is hope.  This is despite the fact that many medical doctors will tell you there are very few effective [...]


Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic Care Chiropractic care is used to treat disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system, and the consequence of these disorders on general health. Dr. Russell treats neuromusculoskeletal complaints, including: back pain, neck pain, pain in the joints of the arms or legs, headaches and more [...]


Functional Medicine

Functional Medicine As society becomes more health conscious, an increasing number of people are gaining an interest in functional medicine. We live in a time where information is more readily accessible than ever. As a result, people are taking more ownership and responsibility for their health. Consequently, functional medicine has [...]